Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Right-Wing Mud Slinging

You know, this crap really pisses me off. This accusation by the right wing that if I oppose the Iraq war then I must be on the side of the terrorists and that I must hate America has gone way too far. Damn their evil lies. Damn their Neocon hides.

This is what I have to say to them: Don't you dare impugn my patriotism. Don't you dare tell me that my sentiments are un-American. I'll tell you. My ancestor arrived here in 1633. Our family includes a signer of the Declaration of Independence, who also became the first President of the United States in Congress Assembled under the Articles of Confederation. Our family includes not one but two Revolutionary Wars generals, one of whom served with General Washington and endured the famous winter at Valley Forge and later chose the location of the U.S. Military Academy. Numerous others from our family have served - and died - in every war this country ever fought. My own father fought in the battles of Okinawa and Saipan and earned a Bronze Star. We know well the cost of freedom. Don't you dare try to tell me otherwise. I'll tell you.

Damn their lies. Damn them.

I'm sick and tired of those chicken-hawk right-wing incompetent unelected bastard warmongers fucking up the country my ancestors fought so hard to help create and help protect.

Am I liberal? Damn right I am. This country was founded by liberal men on liberal principles and I will not stand by silently while cowards who never served steal elections and denigrate the service of real heroes. Every single societal advance from safe drinking water to safe working conditions to retirement benefits to you-name-it were fought for by liberals and fought against by conservatives. Every one of them! Damn right I'm liberal and proud of it.

Damn their stinking Neocon hides. Damn them to hell.


Ralph J. Huntington
11th-generation American